To provide a venue where ALL dogs, including Giant Breeds, can compete in Agility and other sports and be successful
There are three different Tracks to follow in SSA:
You can move your Q’s to Apprentice or Modified from Regular, but cannot move Apprentice or Modified Qs to Regular. If you move from Regular to Apprentice or Modified in the middle of a level all the Qs you have accumulated in that level will follow you. If you move frm Aprentice or Modified back to Regular in the middle of a level, none of the Qs will apply.
Each Track has separate placements for trials. Each track has all of the same levels and follows all of the same rules.
There are six levels, Training, Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Superior and Elite.
Each level will have to accumulate a certain number of Q's in Standard to title...and double that number of Q's in Games to get the games title.
Levels (everyone starts at Beginner or Training):
The training level is the same as Beginner, but you can have any kind of training devise you want in the ring; a toy or treat, you can gently touch the dog, the dog may also wear a collar and ribbon if wanted, you can use targets, hoop tunnels etc.
Beginner, 2 Q's to advance in Standard, 4 Q's to advance in Games
Intermediate, 3 Q's to advance in Standard, 6 Q's to advance in Games
Advanced, 4 Q's to advance in Standard, 8 Q's to advance in Games
Superior, 5 Q's in Standard and 10 Q' s in Games to get your Championship
Elite, 20 Q's in Standard and 40 Q's in Games to get your Elite Championship.
SSTA Super Size Training Agility, 2 Qs in Standard
SSTG Super Size Training Games, 4 Qs in Games
(if you stay in training and want additional titles, you would need 4 additional standard Q's and 8 additional Games Q's to earn subsequent titles such as SSTA2 and SSTG2.)
SSBA Super Size Beginner Agility, 2 Qs in Standard
SSBG Super Size Beginner Games, 4 Qs in Games
(if you stay in beginner and want additional titles, you would need 4 additional standard Q's and 8 additional Games Q's to earn subsequent titles such as SSBA2 and SSBG2.)
SSIA Super Size Intermediate Agility (3 Qs in Standard)
SSIG Super Size Intermediate Games (6 Qs in Games)
(if you stay in intermediate and want additional titles, you would need 6 additional standard Q's and 12 additional Games Q's as in Beginners)
SSAA Super Size Advanced Agility (4 Qs in Standard)
SSAG Super Size Advanced Games (8 Qs in Games)
(if you stay in advanced and want additional titles, you would need 8 additional standard Q's and 16 additional Games Q's as in Beginners)
SSSA Super Size Superior Agility (5 Q's in Standard)
SSSG Super Size Superior Games (10 Q's in Games)
SSACH Earn both your SSSA and SSSG titles to earn your Championship (If you want to earn additional Championships you can earn 10 more Q's in Standard and 20 more Q's in Games for each championship.) This title is a prefix and is listed before the dogs
SSACH4 Doggie Name
E-SSACH Get 20 Q's in Super Size Elite Standard Agility and 40 Q's in Super Size Elite Games to earn your Elite Championship. (If you want to earn additional Elite Championships you can earn 40 more Q's in Standard and 80 more Q's in Games for each championship.) This title is a prefix and is listed before the dogs E-SSCH4 Doggie Name
The Apprentice Program
This program works exactly the same as the regular SSA Program…however you can use TWO training aids to help you in your run. The aids you choose can change between runs. Examples of Aids include:
Target, collar, ribbon, hoop tunnels on contacts, targets, toys, treats (it will be a fault if you drop a treat), touching dog, basically any training devise you would like that will help your dog successfully finish the course.
SSATA Super Size Apprentice Training Agility, 2 Qs in Standard
SSATG Super Size Apprentice Training Games, 4 Qs in Games
(if you stay in training and want additional titles, you would need 4 additional standard Q's and 8 additional Games Q's to earn subsequent titles such as SSTA2 and SSTG2.)
SSABA Super Size Apprentice Beginner Agility, 2 Qs in Standard
SSABG Super Size Apprentice Beginner Games, 4 Qs in Games
(if you stay in beginner and want additional titles, you would need 4 additional standard Q's and 8 additional Games Q's to earn subsequent titles such as SSBA2 and SSBG2.)
SSAIA Super Size Apprentice Intermediate Agility (3 Qs in Standard)
SSAIG Super Size Apprentice Intermediate Games (6 Qs in Games)
(if you stay in intermediate and want additional titles, you would need 6 additional standard Q's and 12 additional Games Q's as in Beginners)
SSAAA Super Size Apprentice Advanced Agility (4 Qs in Standard)
SSAAG Super Size Apprentice Advanced Games (8 Qs in Games)
(if you stay in advanced and want additional titles, you would need 8 additional standard Q's and 16 additional Games Q's as in Beginners)
SSASA Super Size Apprentice Superior Agility (5 Q's in Standard)
SSASG Super Size Apprentice Superior Games (10 Q's in Games)
SSAACH Earn both your SSSA and SSSG titles to earn your Championship (If you want to earn additional Championships you can earn 10 more Q's in Standard and 20 more Q's in Games for each championship.) This title is a prefix and is listed before the dogs
SSACH4 Doggie Name
E-SSAACH Get 20 Q's in Super Size Elite Standard Agility and 40 Q's in Super Size Elite Games to earn your Elite Championship. (If you want to earn additional Elite Championships you can earn 40 more Q's in Standard and 80 more Q's in Games for each championship.) This title is a prefix and is listed before the dogs E-SSCH4 Doggie Name
SSAACH and E-SSAACH are placed in front of the dogs name, all other titles follow the dogs name. (All Trophies will say SSACH or E-SSACH with the name plate having SSAACH or E-SSAACH)
The Modified Program
This program works exactly the same as the regular SSA Program...however you can choose to skip one obstacle with your dog at trials. The handler and the judge have to modify each course so that the dog does the same number of obstacles as the dogs in the regular program but is able to avoid one obstacle. These dogs will be placed with other dogs in the modified program only.
SSMTA Super Size Modified Training Agility, 2 Qs in Standard
SSMTG Super Size Modified Training Games, 4 Qs in Games
(if you stay in training and want additional titles, you would need 4 additional standard Q's and 8 additional Games Q's to earn subsequent titles such as SSTA2 and SSTG2.)
SSMBA Super Size Modified Beginner Agility, 2 Qs in
SSMBG Super Size Modified Beginner Games, 4 Qs in
(if you stay in beginner and want additional titles, you would need 4 additional standard Q's and 8 additional Games Q's to earn subsequent titles such as SSMBA2 and SSMBG2)
SSMIA Super Size Modified Intermediate Agility (3 Qs in
SSMIG Super Size Modified Intermediate Games (6 Qs in
(if you stay in intermediate and want
additional titles, you would need 6 additional standard Q's and 12 additional
Games Q's as in Beginners)
SSMAA Super Size Modified Advanced Agility (4 Qs in
SSMAG Super Size Modified Advanced Games (8 Qs in
(if you stay in advanced and want
additional titles, you would need 8 additional standard Q's and 16 additional
Games Q's as in Beginners)
SSMSA Super Size Modified Superior Agility (5 Q's
in Standard)
SSMSG Super Size Modified Superior
Games (10 Q's in
Earn both your SSMSA and SSMSG titles to earn your Championship (If you
want to earn additional Championships you can earn 10 more Q's in Standard and 20
more Q's in Games for each championship.) This title is a prefix and is listed
before the dogs
SSMACH4 Doggie Name
Get 20 Q's in Super Size Elite Agility and 40 Q's in Super
Size Elite Games to earn your Elite Championship. (If you want to earn
additional Elite Championships you can earn 40 more Q's in Standard and 80 more
Q's in Games for each championship.) This title is a prefix and is listed
before the dogs E-SSMACH4 Doggie Name
SSMACH and E-SSMACH are placed in front of the dogs name, all other titles follow the dogs name. (All Trophies will say SSACH or E-SSACH with the name plate having SSMACH or E-SSMACH)
Level Up Rule: The handler may choose to use the Level Up Rule. If your dog is in any level below Superior in Standard, you may choose to Level Up any run. This means you actually run the higher level course, however if you Q, the Q will be counted at the level your dog is currently in. (for example, the dog is a Beginner dog, however the handler wants to try the Superior course. The dog runs Superior and Qualifies, therefore the handler gets a Beginner Q.) Level Up dogs cannot earn placements. The rules of the level the dog is running apply, not their current level.
Jump Heights
The handler chooses the jump height they want to compete in. Jump height may change between competitions and can vary between classes at the same trial. We do not measure dogs, except dogs under 18 months. Dogs 6 months to 12 months must jump 8 inches lower than their CPE jump height. Dogs 12 months to 18 months must jump 4 inches lower than their CPE jump height.
Jump heights allowed in SSA:
1 inch - for dogs under 18 months only.
4 inches
8 inches
12 inches
16 inches
20 inches
24 inches
Large Breeds
List of breeds that might benefit from this program ...Afghan, Alaskan Malamute, Akita, American Bulldog, Beauceron, Belgian Tervuren, Belgian Sheepdog, Bernese Mountain Dog, Borzoi, Bouvier des Flandres, Bloodhound, Boxer, Briard, Bull Mastiff, Cane Corso, Collie, Dalmation, Doberman Pinscher,Dogue de Bordeau, Dogo Argentino, English Pointer, English Setter, German Shepherd, German Pointer, Giant Schnauzer, Goldendoodle, Golden Retreiver, Gordon Setter, Great Dne, Great Pyraness, Greater Swiss Mountain Dog, Greyhound, Husky, Irish Setter, Irish Wolfhound, Komondor, Labrador Retreiver, Leonberger, Mastiff, Mixed Breeds, Newfoundland, Neapolitan Mastiff, Old English Sheepdog, Otterhound, Ridgeback, Rotweiler, Saint Bernard, Samoyed, Scottish Deerhound, Spinoni Italiano, Standard Poodle, Visla, Weimeraner.....but remember any dog can compete in SSA, no matter what size.
Obstacle/Equipment list:
· A-Frame (standard size, either 8 foot set at 4' 5”, or 9 foot set at 5' with a 42 inch contact zone)
· Dog Walk (12 inches wide with a 42 inch contact zone, if dog walk has 8 foot ramps the top should be 3 feet from the floor, if dog walk has 12 foot ramps the top should be 4 feet from the floor)
· Teeter (standard size, wooden only, 13 inches at pivot point with a 42 inch contact zone)
Please note: SSA prefers the teeter only be used if there is no other option for a second contact.
· Table (36 to 48 inches square and 12 to 16 inches high)
· Weaves (24 inch centers, +/- 1 inch)
· Tunnels, 24 or 26 inch; if a dog entered in the trial collapses the tunnel, it is allowed for someone to hold the tunnel entrance steady for the dog
· Hoop Tunnel (4 to 6 NADAC hoops connected, or hoola hoop type as in UKC, no fabric)
· Tire (24 inches Minimum diameter—break away preferred) set 4 inches lower than jumps
· Jumps: Winged or Wingless, with 4 or 5 foot bars, panel allowed
· Parallel Double, set 4 inches lower than jumps
*Triple, set 4 inches lower than jumps
*Broad Jump, set 4 inches lower than jumps
Standard Course Equipment Required
minimum 2 maximum 3 physically in the ring
may use 2 A-Frames instead of an A-Frame and Dog walk
no teeter allowed in beginner
maximum of 4 contact performances
none in beginner
6 in Intermediate
12 in Advanced and Superior/Elite
minimum 1
including hoop tunnel
no maximum performance of tunnels
Tire performances:
minimum 0
maximum 2 tires in ring
maximum of 3 performances
Jump performances:
minimum 2
no maximum number of performances
All 4 paws must be on the table for a total of 5 seconds. No particular position is required.
Maximum of one performance.
Allowed Obstacles in Jumpers with weaves :
Total obstacles in Jumpers with weaves and Standard
Beginner 10 to 12 (no weaves)
Intermediate 11 to 13
Advanced 12 to 15
Superior/Elite 16 to 18
Faults Allowed in Standard and jumpers with weaves:
Beginner and Training 20
Intermediate 15
Advanced 10
Superior 5
Elite 0
Major Fault: missed contact, missed obstacle, unsafe execution of obstacle, touching dog or obstacle, dog biting handler, unsportsmanlike conduct -- 15 faults
Minor faults: dropped bar, off course, delay of start or finish, run by (not counted in Beginner, only counted on contacts in Intermediate) -- 5 faults
Please Note: SSA does not have a 4 paw safety rule. If your dog gets on the contact with one or more feet and comes off the contact on the up ramp, that is considered a run-by, a minor fault (run bys are not counted in Beginners) may put the dog back on. If your dog comes off the contact after the on ramp, or before the teeter touches the ground, that is a missed contact which is a major fault. You may put the dog back on the contact. The judge also may call an unsafe execution of obstacle which is a major fault. The judge's decision is final.
Time Faults:
There are no time faults allowed in SSA. Every level gets 90 seconds to run Standard. If you take over 90 seconds it is a NT, dog cannot Qualify or Place.
Signals for Faults:
one hand up 5 point fault
two hands up 25-point fault
Rules for Games:
Elite and Superior use the same rules for all games.
Black Jack
This game is named after the poker game. Handlers direct their dog through a course of their choosing. You must get exactly 21 points to qualify. The game starts and ends at the table, table is live at all times.
Obstacle values are:
All jumps 1 point
All circles 2 points
Contacts 3 points
Weaves 4 points.
Time allowed:
Beginner 65 seconds
Intermediate 60 seconds
Advanced 57 seconds
Superior 55 seconds
Dog may not go one second over time to qualify. Whistle will blow at 60 seconds.
This game consists of two numbered courses, numbered with different colored cones. The handler picks one course to run. In Colors a dropped bar is a major fault worth 15 points. All other faults are as in Standard. Time for all dogs is 60 seconds.
Faults allowed:
Beginner 15
Intermediate 10
Advanced 5
Superior 0
Copy Cat
Handlers will get a total of 50 seconds to maneuver their dog through a course of their choosing. One point obstacles are jumps excluding spread jumps. Tunnels, chutes and tires are worth 3 points. Contacts, weaves and spread jumps are worth 5 points. The table is live at all times, handler may direct dog to the table at anytime during the run.
You may not take two obstacles in a row of the same point value...that is considered Copy Catting. If you do a Copy Cat, you will lose the points of the second obstacle and incur a 5 point fault.
You will lose 2 points for every second you go over time.
The whistle will sound at 65 seconds, but this means you are 15 seconds over time and have just lost 30 points!
Points required to Qualify:
Beginner 15
Intermediate 20
Advanced 25
Superior 30
Dare 2 Double
Handlers will get 75 seconds to maneuver their dog through a course of their choosing accumulating as many points as possible. The table will stop the time and is live at all times.
All of the following obstacles may be taken three times for points.
Obstacle points:
Jumps 1 point
Circles 3 points
Teeter and weaves 5 points
Dog Walk 7 points
A Frame is the Doubler. When the A Frame is taken all points up to that point are doubled. If the A Frame is Faulted half of the points up to that point are lost. If dog goes over time, half of the total points are lost. A Frame may not be taken back to back, the second performance will result in a zero. But there is no limit to the number of times the A Frame may be taken. The more times to successfully complete the A Frame the higher your score will be.
A warning whistle will be blown at 60 seconds.
Points required to Qualify:
Beginner 30
Intermediate 60
Advanced 120
Superior 240
Full House
Handlers will get 40 seconds to maneuver their dog through a course of their choosing. The course must include 3 jumps, 2 circles and 1 joker. Jumps include all non-spread jumps and are worth one point. Circles are tunnels, chutes and tires and are worth 3 points. Jokers include contacts, weaves and spread jumps and are worth 5 points. At the end of the 40 seconds the dog can no longer earn points and has 5 seconds to touch the table which stops the clock. The table is live at all times, handler may direct dog to the table at anytime during the run.
Points required to Qualify:
Beginner 17
Intermediate 19
Advanced 21
Superior 23
This game consists of an opening and a closing.
In the opening the handler maneuvers their dog through a course of their choosing gathering the required amount of points for their level. A signal will be given at the end of the opening time and the handler must then maneuver their dog through a distance challenge.
Obstacle points:
Jumps 1 point
Spread jumps 3 points
Circles 3 points
contacts and 6 weaves 5 points
12 weaves are worth 6 points.
Time: 40 seconds in opening, 20 seconds in closing
Points required in opening to Qualify:
Beginners 10
Intermediate 15
Advanced 20
Superior 25
Closing is worth 20 points and must be succesffully completed to qualify.
Gambling in Sections
This is a handlers choice game. Handlers maneuver dog through a course of their choosing. There are 1 to 5 "lines" on the floor separating the ring into sections. If a dog takes an obstacle while in a different section from the handler, the points awarded are double the normal points.
Obstacle points:
Jumps 1 point
Spread jumps 3 points
Circles 3 points
contacts and 6 weaves 5 points
12 weaves are worth 6 points.
Time: Dogs are given 60 seconds with a warning whistle sounding at 40 seconds.
Points required to Qualify:
Beginners 30
Intermediate 35
Advanced 40
Superior 45
Only Three
This is a handlers choice game with an opening and a closing. Handlers maneuver dog through a course of their choosing. At 40 seconds a whistle will sound....after the whistle the dogs must do exactly three obstacles and then touch the table. The judge may designate what 3 obstacles must be taken, or it may be any three obstacles. In the closing the first obstacle is worth 2 points, second 4 points and third 6 points, the table is the 8 point obstacle. The dog must successfully complete the closing to qualify.
Obstacle points in opening:
Jumps 1 point
Spread jumps 3 points
Circles 3 points
contacts and 6 weaves 5 points
12 weaves are worth 6 points.
Time: Dogs are given 40 seconds in the opening and 20 seconds in the closing.
Points required to Qualify (closing is worth 20 points):
Beginners 30
Intermediate 35
Advanced 40
Superior 45
Sadie's Table Game
This is a handler's choice game. Each dog will get 65 seconds to gather points by taking obstacles with a table performance between each of the other obstacles. Each obstacle may be taken successfully one time. If two obstacles are taken consecutively no points will be given for either. If an obstacle is faulted no points will be given. Game starts and ends on the table. Points are 1 for jumps, 3 for circles, 5 for contacts, weaves and spread jumps. The judge may assign a 7 point bonus obstacle.
Points needed to Qualify:
Beginners 8
Intermeidate 12
Advanced 16
Superior 20
There is a scamper tunnel situated in the center of the course, the hoop tunnel is used as the scamper tunnel. Several obstacles are arranged around the scamper tunnel. Handler must direct the dog thru each obstacle with the scamper tunnel
Rocky Creek Dog Agility
110 Hahnstown Road, Ephrata, Pennsylvania 17522, United States
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